
Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Youth: Grades 6 through 12.

In the same way that God chose to anoint David as a teenager to be the next king of Israel, appoint young Mary to bear the son of God, and commission several teenage disciples to raise up churches across the world; we believe that God desires to use young people in powerful ways in the Kingdom of God today.  He’s not waiting for them to graduate from high school, get a degree or gain more work experience before using them right where He has them.  It is our passion to raise up kids who know their identity in Christ and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit as God uses them for above and beyond what they even realize! 

Investing in Our Youth

Our Youth meet in the Fellowship Hall, below the Sanctuary, on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm.
Normal activities include a mix of: time to check-in on one another, bible teaching and inquiries, worshipping together, breaking into smaller groups, and indoor/outdoor activities.

We also have an active youth worship team that is incorporated into Wednesday evenings as they are equipped to lead the congregation on Sunday morning worship.

Pastor Michael Molner

Youth & College/Career Pastor
Pastor Mike & his wife, Marjorie, joined our team here at Hope in 2024! The Molners are originally from Burien and Mike was pastoring in Orting, WA, leading Youth, Young Adults, and Worship Team!

Baptisms & Water Fun 

Youth baptism in Puget Sound and pool party fun!

Youth Outreach

City Engagement  - Our youth made cookies and ‘Thank You’ signs for our local fire station! They had great time seeing the station and praying over the crew!"
Serving Churches  - The youth served our brothers & sisters in Christ at Deeper Church campus.

Youth Outreach

Serving Churches  - Our youth boys loved helping out with some yardwork after a windstorm at Taproot Church. And a big thanks to Cloudy Sky Tree Service for freely providing the truck and equipment!

Youth Outreach

Serving Retirement Communities - HOPE Youth came to Boulevard Park Place to minister to the residents. They offered up a talent show, worship, prayer, & sharing. It was a great time had by all!
We believe that our youth are the next generation of world changers. At Hope, our youth services are a training ground for Biblical living which starts with their relationship with Jesus Christ. We invite the Holy Spirit to take over the service and encounter each individual with the Spirit of God.