The Mission:
To raise up and send out disciples who genuinely know Jesus, reflect His nature and walk in His footsteps.
The Vision:
To be a catalyst in the greatest multi-generational revival that Burien has ever seen.
We invite you to watch this video to see Hope at a glance, what we're up to, and how you can join us!

Vision 2023 - City Engagement
God put a calling on our heart in three specific areas for this year - Marriage, Life, & Homeless. These each have an internal and external strategy. We believe God has called the body of Christ to a unified mission across the city.
Investments in 2024 Continue!
Investments into the 2023 vision never ceased! We look forward to the growing updates we get to share in these three ministry launches. We have expanding partnerships established for Life Ministry, five Marriage Ministry facilitator couples trained up with small groups launched in Jan/Feb '24, and Homeless Ministry teams in downtown Burien multiple times a month.
Marriage Ministry (34sec)
Homeless Ministry (52sec)
We welcome you to watch the entire Vision Sunday Service on our YouTube channel for greater depth into each of these focuses:
In this season we have a church vision of life-giving restoration. This includes a continued focus and integration of Marriage Ministry, Life Ministry(in the womb), Homeless Ministry, and Stephen Ministry. You can see the connection to LIFE and FAMILY is at the core and God's design for the family, restoration and healing.

We Are...
Real People
At Hope Christian Community you’ll find a group of real people from different walks of life who gather together in pursuit of a deeper relationship with God. No matter who you are, or what your background is, we welcome you!
Kingdom Minded
We are a hope-filled community of Kingdom-minded believers who continue to experience the love and presence of Christ. It is our desire to take Christ’s love to the ends of the earth.