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Hope Christian is a place where people can know God personally, engage in life-giving community, and grow with others in Christ. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and be equipped to use them for God's glory. We hope you join us for our Sunday service, grow in your own walk with the Lord, as well as partner with us through other ministries to see more lives transformed by Jesus!


Hope Christian is a place where people can know God personally, engage in life-giving community, and grow with others in Christ. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and be equipped to use them for God's glory. We hope you join us for our Sunday service, grow in your own walk with the Lord, as well as partner with us through other ministries to see more lives transformed by Jesus! 

Service Times

First 8:45am
Second 11:00am

Children's Service during 11am

Two Morning Services :
9:00am - 10:30am
11:00am - 1:00pm

Kids Church during 11am

Young Adults (Called RISE) meet in a house church on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm and periodically have other larger events offsite. 

Our Youth meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

They meet in the Fellowship Hall.

We have various Ministry & Prayer Groups, and House Church gatherings!

Each group has its own focus and energy! 

What To Expect

MORNING SERVICES: A typical morning service will last about 90-110 minutes. We sing a mix of worship music with contemporary songs, classic hymns, and original music written from our worship pastor, all led by our worship team. Our congregation is passionate and engaging.  Some of our leaders may use spiritual gifts during the service (i.e. prophecy). 
Kids' church is available and activities for ages 0-11, with nursery (0-2yo), toddlers(3-5yo), and up to grade 6.

"Unplugged" Evening Service

There is also an evening service available at 6pm. This service has a focus on corporate prayer, has a more casual atmosphere with mostly acoustic instruments, and a Spirit-led agenda filled with worship, activation, and prophesy. Kids are welcome to stay with their parents in the service. 

This is held in the Sanctuary.


A typical service will last about 90-110 minutes. We sing a mix of worship music with contemporary songs, classic hymns, and originals written from our worship pastor, all led by our worship team. Our congregation is passionate and sometimes vocal and engaging.  Some of our leaders may use spiritual gifts during the service (i.e. prophecy). During the 11am service, there is childcare available and activities for all age groups.

Unplugged Evening Service

There is also an evening service available at 6pm! Although, the topic for sermons & sermonettes will likely follow the morning service, consider this a stand-alone service, with added info and rotating speakers! The evening will have a more casual atmosphere with mostly acoustic instruments and a Spirit-led agenda filled with worship, activation, prophesy, ...etc.
This will be held in the Fellowship Hall, at the lower-level entrance.


The main parking lot is on the east side of the church. There are handicap spaces near the upper front doors as well as the lower doors. (Reference the map below.)


There are various volunteers dedicated to making you feel welcome. They will likely say "hello" and are wearing a Hope lanyard. If you have any questions, they are your go-to people.


Located on the lower level, this is a place for drinks & snacks. It opens before service (about 9:40am) and after service (about 12:50pm). They accept cash & card payments.


Kids Church is available during 10am service. The check-in center is on the lower level where our volunteers look forward to welcoming your child before they go to their room, made just for them! (Ages 0 - Grade 6.)


The sanctuary has open seating. Our congregation is passionate and engaging. Service has moments of standing, sitting, and even dancing as worship unto the Lord. We also invite people to come forward for worship and prayer.


After service we'd love to connect with you if you are visiting. You can bring your Connect Card to the Coffee House downstairs, where we'd love to offer a FREE welcome drink!


There are several more street parking options as needed. Please ensure that you don't block some of the neighbors' hidden driveways. There is parking in front of the church office building as well. (See Map)

HOPE - At a Glance

Pastor Seth
Coffee House
Kid's Check-in Center


If you didn't turn in a Connect Card, we would love to hear from you. We hope you had a great visit and we look forward to seeing you next time!

Connections Team