SOZO Application

I acknowledge that members from Hope Christian Community Church Sozo Team have voluntarily agreed to minister to me. I understand that this session is not a professional counseling session and that none of the team members are licensed counselors. I understand that these team members are, to the best of their ability, doing what they can to help me achieve more freedom in my life. I understand that healing is a process and I may be referred to other parts of Hope Christian Community Church ministries to continue my growth in the Lord and the healing process. I state that I have voluntarily sought assistance of my own initiative and that I’m under no obligation to accept or act upon any advice or help that I might receive from the team members of this ministry. I understand that if I receive ministry from Hope Christian Community Church Sozo team, the team is committed to respect the disclosed information, and keep it confidential. I agree to hold Hope Christian Community Church and its team members free from any and all liability, loss or damage of any kind that may arise as a result of any assistance which I have received, or from my involvement with Hope Christian Community Church. I understand that Hope Christian Community Church mandatorily reports child, peer and elder abuse to the proper authorities. I have read this disclaimer and release of liability and understand and agree with it and have executed it as my free and voluntary act.

No minister is paid for ministering a Sozo, but we do allow for donations to go toward the further training and development of our Sozo ministry team.  Due to the extensive training and commitment of our Sozo team we suggest a $45 donation for a Sozo session.
In order to continue to develop our Sozo team  we provide ongoing training and resources for our team members. If you would like to sow into the growth of this ministry you may give online through our giving portal or in-person at your session.

As soon as your paperwork has been received we will contact you to schedule an appointment.