Project 614: News Feed

DAY/DATE: Mon, April 17, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed/Podcast/Youtube

Hope Christian Podcast - Testimony/Review

Pastor Seth & Joseph sit down to review how God guided and blessed Project 614 through the weekend and beyond!
Use our audio embed here or click the link for a YouTube version.

DAY/DATE: Tues, April 4, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

Official Results After Project 614

CONCLUSION - At a Glance:

Overall, over a 3-week period, and culminating in Project614, through the Coalition of Churches, Non Profits, and Burien Neighbors, …a total of 11 individuals are no longer on the street , were at various stages and removed from homelessness and placed into various programs and services, and 3 other individuals were signed up with case managers that will help them down that line.  AMEN!
In the events Leading up to this Project614, in the 2-3 weeks prior, Hope’s HSSM Teams Placed 3 individuals removing them from the streets.
–These 3 went into either the UGM Discipleship Program, Women’s Shelter, or Men’s shelter.

BANQUET RESULTS - Tues, 3/28/23: 
The Banquet on Tuesday the 28th of March established relationships with 3 individuals who were extremely interested in the proposed Church idea but wanted help right away as available and another lady on the Friday prior, 3/24 who also didn’t want to wait but was extremely interested. These 4 were removed from the campsite as well and placed, or connected with case managers. They were placed in temporary safe environments awaiting for a placement into SAFE family housing; immediate temporary shelters; and/or with Salvation Army.

HOPE CHRISTIAN Campus Outreach Site - 3/31 & 4/1:
We had a total of 16 homeless neighbors visit with us at Hope Christian Church campus. Out of the 16, 14 and a dog took showers – 2 didn’t make the shower in time due to operational hours.  For the 2-day event itself, out of 16 engagements, we had 8 Divine and Positive encounters that lead to life transformative results. A 50% fruit yield, and we have full faith that 100% of those seeds were planted!

The Breakdown of the 2-day event is as follows:
–3 individuals were taken out of the encampment and placed in other organizations.
–1 Agreed to go to detox on Monday 4/3
–1 wants to come to church service and
–Another 3 declined immediate exit out of the encampment but agreed to and got assigned to various case managers to get them into programs and housing.

DAY/DATE: Mon, April 3, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

We had a follow up scheduled for individuals here on Monday; they were connected with the organizations to get into the proper housing.
The Burien City Hall evicted about 20 tents; opened up a lot for relocation 1-block West; about 10 tents relocated there after several individuals were connected with shelters and care.

DAY/DATE: Sat, 6:00pm April 1, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed & HopeCC App

Project 614 is officially finished for the weekend. God did amazing things this weekend and your servants' hearts were evident!
Reminder: We'll see you at Taproot Church, tomorrow, for Sunday Service at 10:00 am.
     Address: 152 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA 98166

WHAT A POWERFUL TESTAMENT TO THE HEART OF THE FATHER HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND! THANK YOU ALL for your time, energy, skills, compassion, and willingness to step into this mission! Sunday's service will be an exciting testament to a church on His mission.

DAY/DATE: Sat, 3:30pm April 1, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

Hope campus closing down since 3:00pm. Thank you to all who have been serving this weekend!

We are still tallying the final numbers and God's impact from Project 614.
Unofficial number tally:
Number of people who came to Hope Christian campus: 16
Number of showers: 14 + 1 dog
Number of people connected with centers/shelter housing/detox: 9 of the 16!

DAY/DATE: Sat, 1:00pm April 1, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

It has been an encouraging day! God is blessing the efforts & the people!
Today, we have been been welcomed warmly by those who have been relocated 1-block up SW 52nd Street to 6th Ave SW - it's such a beautiful exchange of love. We have also had 5-6 men come to Hope campus site for extra follow up. We've also been able to bring food over to those who are still in their tents, offer love, hugs, prayer & encouragement.

DAY/DATE: Sat, April 1, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

Today's Schedule:
9:00am: Worship at the Church
9:30am: Send people throughout the city to minister to homeless and invite them back for similar opportunities as yesterday.  (Food, shower, love, conversations, prayer, connection with shelters and detox programs).
3:00pm: Ministry at the church closes and we send small teams to minister to the people who have been placed in detox and shelter programs.
6:00pm: Finish 

DAY/DATE: Sat, April 1, 2023
METHOD: Newfeed

Yesterday SEVEN homeless came to the church.  One guy went into a detox program, another went to a 30-day shelter; another girl had some powerful encounters but wasn't quite ready to go into a formal detox. There were other good moments of conversation, prayer, and sharing the gospel with people
     Come to the church between 9 and 6pm today.  We'll be going out in groups and similarly ministering to homeless throughout Burien and inviting them for shower, hot meal, etc like yesterday Also yesterday there were amazing engagements at the eviction with other community members.  So much glory was given to Jesus

DAY/DATE: Fri, 1:23pm Mar 31, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

At this time, we have accepted at least 5 Guests on the Hope Christian campus. Various volunteers from different organizations have come by. You are invited to come, bring a loving heart, break bread, fellowship, encourage, and continue the outpouring of compassion and love on Burien. Please continue your prayers fervently now and throughout this weekend.

The Library/City Hall location has been changing all morning. Several people have moved into rehab centers in the last few days in lieu of today's eviction, some tents have moved elsewhere in the city, and cleanup crews have been working as needed.

DAY/DATE: Fri, 9:31am Mar 31, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

The morning progress has been great! The library teams are present; the Hope site is getting settled with resources in place; the mobile shower is set; the porta potty and u-haul are ready; and the AM food crew is prepping for the day.

Volunteers are welcome to  swing by either site if you have a free hour or two.

DAY/DATE: Fri, Mar 31, 2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

Pastor Seth Thomas sends an Open Letter to the Burien City Council responding to their correspondence:
"...I’m happy to speak more about the details but based on the already waning window of manpower and resources in this particular opportunity, I would need the written statement committing to each of these needs signed by 3pm today and the manpower to be ready by 6pm.

Regardless of its unconventional nature, I hope we can try something new. It would be a win-win for both the homeless community and the surrounding community. If not, we will look to continue to serve the community of Burien in other ways. I appreciate the consideration."

DAY/DATE: Thur, 4:21pm Mar 30, 2023
METHOD: Email & Newsfeed


Hey Everyone!
     It has been such an encouragement seeing the body of Christ rally together for this cause! This is truly a monumental time. Please watch this video of a very important update on what tomorrow and Saturday will look like based on some things that have unfolded in the last 24 hours.
   You will need to know about these changes before showing up tomorrow:


FRIDAY: Tomorrow the setup team will meet at the Library at 9am. Those volunteering after 11am will come straight to Hope Christian. Due to requirements of the City and County we will not be able to facilitate overnight services at Hope Christian. Those who were scheduled between 9am-6pm on Friday and Saturday will still be good to go. Those in other time slots are encouraged to come within that window on either of those days instead.
     We will be pursuing at least one genuine encounter with every homeless person not only around the library but across Burien over the next two days. We want to engage with each person and walk them into the next steps of recovery and a transformed life in Christ.
     God has big things in store!

DAY/DATE: Wed AM, Mar 29,2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

SIGN-UPS UPDATE (Friday list only):
Medical: We have had a healthy amount of emails from people with medical training and skills - THANK YOU! That's not to say we don't need/want more. Please reach out through email for where your skill and schedule allow. More are still needed.
Hospitality: 100%!! Thank you!  - all 4 days have full coverage!
Prayer: (Friday) 9 needed to fill each hour through the night, some afternoon slots need people also - more needed/welcome throughout.
Women's Mentor: (Friday) 29 slots filled - specific needs from 12pm-2pm.
Men's Mentor: (Friday) 17slots filled - specific needs from 4pm-6pm; and 9pm-11pm.

THANK YOU! - Spread the word of hope!

DAY/DATE: Tues, Mar 28,2023
METHOD: Newsfeed

The outreach banquet was a success! We set up a huge banquet table right along the tents. It was amazing to come together to break bread with those we want to reach, and invite them further into relationship. We were able to connect more with them and tell them about what is happening this week. Also, city leaders were present - Burien City Council, Librarian, some Burien Planning Committee members, people from multiple churches & non-profits! See & share this video Tweet!

DAY/DATE: Mon, Mar 27,2023
METHOD: Newfeed memo

Email correction: you may have seen a typo on the Project614 email. Please use the correctly posted one as follows:

DAY/DATE: Mon, Mar 27,2023

Key update: This is the additional link for the 24/7 Prayer Sign-ups throughout the event.  Please invite anyone and everyone to sign up for slots to pray whether they are local or out of town!  For those who are in town and want to pray on sight, you are welcome to check-in on the lower level on the East side of our Building before being directed to the sanctuary to pray!
Please sign-up and invite others who want to be a part of what God is doing!

DAY/DATE: Sun, Mar 26, 2023
METHOD: Sunday Service; Ekklesia, YouTube(s)

Sunday Service Updates(YouTube)
Sunday Evening Service: Ekklesia(YouTube)

DAY/DATE: Sat, Mar 25, 2023

The body of Christ in our city is rallying to create a supervised withdrawal site at Hope Christian in Burien for homeless men and women who will be evicted from around the library on Friday, March 31st.  This is a team of 5 churches, 3 partnering non-profits and 4+ resources donors.  We want to directly engage with this issue in our city yet doing it differently than most.  We will be building off of the two most important yet often overlooked components of breaking addictions and the cycle of homelessness.  #1- The Spirit of God which brings life and breaks chains of spiritual bondage often involved with trauma and addiction.  #2- Christ-Centered community to walk with them through detox and deliverance as well as into ongoing discipleship programs such as UGM, Teen Challenge or Praisealujah.

We are coming together as one body of Christ to bring an opportunity for the same transformation that we've experienced through Jesus to those on the street. God wants to set them free and transform them for incredible purposes but it will require us to get down in the trenches with them.  We are coming together to usher the Kingdom of God into our city in a new way rather than expecting someone else to deal with the problem.  We need your help to pull this off!

Thank you for your willingness to be part of what God is doing in Burien!