Each one is going to be different, as we want to empower people to operate how they are gifted. We are not trying to create a cookie cutter experience. Each meeting however, is going to follow our 5 Fundamental Elements of gathering, so there will be worship, there will be reading of the Word of God, there will be prayer and activation and we want God to show up. The same powerful encounters we have on Sunday Mornings, are supposed to be in all our meetings!

In House Church, we are empowering people to lead and grow in their giftings, by inviting the Holy Spirit to lead us. Through the 5 Fundamental Elements of our gatherings people are lead to grow deeper with God and became the child of God they were meant to be! Our focus is to grow closer to Jesus together!

We believe, whenever we come together, there are five basic things that happen: Worship, Word of God, Prayer/Activation, Encounter, and Discipleship/Evangelism.Worship and the Bible is a must for every gathering we have. We are committed to pray for each other and allow Holy Spirit to minister to us. We believe that every meeting should lead to an encounter with the Lord. As we meet the natural byproduct is discipleship and evangelism.

Step One: Contact us at the bottom of this page!
Step Two: Attend our House Church Leader’s Training where we model how to run a House Church. We cover the 5 Fundamental Elements of our gatherings, some basics, and impartation. We want everyone to leave feeling equipped to lead how God created them!
Step Two: Attend our House Church Leader’s Training where we model how to run a House Church. We cover the 5 Fundamental Elements of our gatherings, some basics, and impartation. We want everyone to leave feeling equipped to lead how God created them!

Take the training, let us figure out together where you are! It doesn’t have to look a certain way, we’re not looking for a specific type of leader, just people who are sold out for Jesus, and want to grow the Church through discipleship and evangelism!